
A comic about a being waking up without memories, travelling a world that was seemingly ravaged by some kind of catastrophe.

Hilda Terry

Brain: Ok, we have two weeks of vacation now, let's start a new project! How about a comic about Origami? Me: Yeah sounds great, we definetely can finish that in two weeks. What's it gonna be, ten pages? Me after scribbling about 50 pages: Oh god when will it stop

Sooo, actually drawing everything took about half a year. That was... a bit longer than expected. And then two of our co workers left us, I had an average work day of about eleven hours and had no time to colour this thing for about half a year. But hey, things got better and I managed to finish this thing.

I actually wanted to write this story, wrote about a third and then never touched it again. Now it's here in comic format.